Some years my amazing Marc-a-Roni is SPOT on when it comes to my birthday time.
In our fabulous 11+ years together THIS BIRTHDAY takes GRAND PRIZE.
His scheming and planing started well into the warm summer. With a light airy question from my man:
"What do you want for your birthday, Kear?"
At the time I had only one desire. "A day to play with my friend {Fala}"
Janice and I go way back. We served as Sister Missionaries together in Los Angeles. We were never companions... We didn't need to be in order to become close friends. You know how when a dear friend moves away... at first the calls and emails are daily. And then over time they become less frequent. Maybe once a month... then before you know it a year has past by. But, when one dials the other and your friendship is picked up right where you left off. Like time stood still. I have a small handful of friends like this. I am a believer that some of the dearest friendships that were created in the Heavens before we came to earth are pick up right where we left off and we are able to speak with each other like we had never been apart.
Like time has stood still.

We spent Friday afternoon on the Plaza. We spent our lunch chatting of our beautiful children. Janice and her Super Star husband Charlie have 6. We laughed until our sides hurt and missed our babies while we were enjoying our time together. I always miss my babies while I am away... I was glad that she did too. That I am not the only mama that needs time to myself but can't wait to get back home.

If we didn't eat and shop enough we started Saturday morning with breakfast with all my dear Missouri soul mates! Lisa and Melissa left before we even though to get the camera out.

My sweet Marc-a-Roni had a cake made by my favorite shop in Missouri...
He cared for the kids while I showed Janice the town.
He gave me the Cricut machine I had wanted....
All this just to make a special birthday for his wife.
Thanks babe. I am one lucky girl to have you as my {BFF}!!!