Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Before I even saw my Noah boy I was told his birth mother said he had "good hair." Good hair? What do you mean "he has good hair?" He's a baby... who thinks about hair? My Marc-a-Roni and I were given several articles on the subject the importance of hair in the African American culture... and a small direction of how to take special care.
I was and have been a bit overwhelmed and maybe some days take my desire to {DO RIGHT BY} a bit to the extreme. I have read and researched anything and everything on hair care. I have purchased item after item. I fear being looked at as a "white" mother that has no thought or knowledge of how to care for children hair. I find myself guilty of making apologies to people who drop in unannounced if we have not spent the 40 minutes with Noah to condition and comb out each day. And that is just the start of it... Miss Pinkie has her share of hair too... Frankly people...40 freaking minutes on my 2 year old boy's hair may be the dumbest thing I have been doing lately. He hates it... I hate it... but I want to {DO RIGHT BY HIM} Care for his hair so he will feel a sense of pride and self confidence...
I am in love with the look of my little guys Fro. When it is combed an conditioned it is absolutely a sight to behold. But this morning I woke with courage to take a step I have only walked once before...You can read about it here.
After making a few stops on our adventures today I made an appointment with Steven at Urban Views Barber Shop. To say I had butterfly's and hopes to feel no regret was an understatement.
This boy makes the world go round!
Disclaimer... a small amount of tears were shed in this exercise...

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Only 22 days until the 3 oldest birds are home for the summer!
Oh...I do love them home...
I miss them while they are at school.
Our nest is quite without them stirring and fussing. I could not help but be reminded how much they all love me...
Being Mother's day and all...
I have made note of the small acts of "treasures" they do for me each day...
For example...
Leaving a jacket in a heap on the couch... Or Stinky socks on the floor....
Oh and lets not forget the lovely well that was made at scouts....
And the endless amounts of flip flops...
(there are a lot of flip flops to be had in a family of 7)As I fluttered around this morning in my oh so lovely apron and pearls
I was grateful to find these small "treasures" tucked about our nest...
Instead of picking them up and putting them all away I left them there...
each time I passed I noted...
Only 22 days left until my little birds are home with me...