Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just another day in Paradise

Seriously what parent puts their almost 3 month old in a Bumbo? I do... this girl wants to stand and be held all the time! The swing is just not cutting it and you all have seen what happens during tummy time! And look at the smile it produced!!!
Sunday was a nightmare at church with Noah. Even a well seasoned Mama knows that there is no fixin' 1 o'clock church. Noah and I spent most of sacrament meeting in the mothers lounge. I thought that maybe if I rocked him he would drift off to dreamland and would wake with a smile on his face. Which would mean a chance he would go and stay in nursery. Nope... here is what happened...rocking humming... a 20 minute kicking and screaming tantrum full of the death roll move... more humming and rocking... and then it happened! Sweet slumber!!!! ahhhhh.... a few more moments and he will be sleeping deep enough to walk back into Sacrament meeting.... then she came... we all know her... the mom with the starving baby... Noah stirred for a moment but fell softly back to sleep... until 2 stinky diaper changes came in back to back! That was it... all over... we went back to sit with Daddy... Until he crashed his forehead on the bench in front of us... For the Love of Pete!
The lesson learned from this....
If Sunday's Naps are missed... They are made up on Monday... Even if you are in the middle of your happy meal and think your new car is a nuggie!!!
I'm glad I have 4 more days until Sunday!


Unknown said...

Big Huggs to you!!! What a trooper. I do love the hot wheels "pacifier" picture. It is just too cute.

LA Law said...

Can't he sit with his favorite aunt until he is about 5? Good luck!

Tiffany said...

That is so dang cute. Love the car in his mouth.

I know you are a seasoned mama-I truly do-but my friend's 5-month old niece was sitting in a Bumbo last week and fell off of the table/counter... Babies get too squirmy too young... My babies have all rolled over by 3-4 months. WAY TOO EARLY. But Zion is already? Where have the newborn days gone?!? Seems like just yesterday we were in High School...

McAtee Family said...

I am struggling with the fact that Noah is old enough for Nursery - isn't he suppose to still be the little rolly polly baby? Bumbo picture - priceless! I do love that little girl and her smile, oh so cute!!

Denette said...

Too cute!!

I hear ya on the 1:00 church. That is the time we have and I am counting the months until we change. I don't even have napping kids anymore, but I still hate it. Too much fighting at my house.

pan x 8 said...

Zion is so beautiful! And 1:00, 9:00, 11:00 - all the same to me! My almost 3-yr-old and my 18-month-old give a show during sacrament meeting - EVERY Sunday!

Charlie totally feels we have warped into the Twilight Zone with our 2 babies because we are repeating this phase again but the 2 babies we did this with before are not 10 and 8 sitting reverently next to us. What a life!

Susan Anderson said...

Boy, do I remember those days. And I'm glad to say that now I have graduated to being a grandma!

(Well, mostly glad...those trips to McDonalds were pretty great...And I can remember singing and shrieking like a crazy woman all the way home trying to keep my kids awake.)

Thanks for reminding me.
