Sadly, I have allowed the grains of "sand" to fester and become large pebbles. I have ended up collecting them you see... placing them in my pocket for safe keeping.... I'm not sure if the comments a person I am in contact with are meant to be unkind or if a naivety plays a large part. Normally, my "thick skin" protects my heart... but please... don't point out skin color to try to connect with me. I don't really like that approach... It has become a bit hurtful.
If this is where you have to go to try for my friendship please don't bother.
Am I glad that you are more aware of others around you?
Of course I am...
Do I care that you see someone that looks like us?
No, Not really.
Have I, myself naively opened my mouth with unkind words in my past hoping for a friendship?
Of course... A few weeks after Noah was born I approached another mother. She was white. Her baby was not. I asked when she adopted her baby. She snapped back that she had not adopted. I was so ashamed of my stereotyping... I was so embarrassed. My palms still break to a cold sweat each time I see this mother with her children. I choose my words a bit more carefully these days.
A needed chat with a friend today help me realize that there is a portion of the world that find the adoption world a bit peculiar. And that it's okay... I like this peculiar world I'm in...
So I am going to set this sadness I am holding tightly too go.... set it free and love is incredible life I have been so generously given.So to sum this whole thing up ladies... "Sticks and Stones!