This week has been a VERY stressful week. I have been overwhelmed preparing for the Enrichment Activity that was last night. On top of that I had an Epstein Bar attack. So pulling myself out of bed to do anything was quite a chore. Needless to say my house has suffered for it. I was exhausted when I got home last night from the activity. I walked upstairs to kiss the kids goodnight... assured Jordie that her Fat Lip would be gone in the morning (which was not the case this a.m.) .... came down, and got ready for bed. Lights out....
Noah woke up around 3a.m. Since I was up I decide to watch the final episode of Celebrity Apprentice. Trace Atkins sang his new hit called "You're gonna miss this" There are certain memories of my life that I do miss... koolaid stands...walking up to 7-11 to spend the 25 cents I had earned... Sunday dinners with moms rose china and Swedish silverware.. giggling myself silly at those dinners with the whole family....getting my hair washed at Grandma B's... begrudgingly getting up early on a Saturday morning to help my dad do yard work....playing checkers with Grandpa....Driving my Black Jeep with the top off blaring Indigo Girls or October Project... Each of these things came in their own season. And I enjoyed them... Being a mom sometimes makes us forget that it is ok to let the house go.. OR for the laundry to get a bit backed up. Each "season" MUST be enjoyed... Let us not forget that our children need to have a chance to create special memories with us. Sometimes I need a gentle reminder that this season has sweet memories that must be enjoyed. Once again life has been put in perspective.
Enjoy my new favorite song... But more important enjoy your season!