When I was a child my Dad liked taking us on "self proclaimed" {FIELD TRIPS} Some were fun and full of adventure... Others... Full of adventure but not so fun...
Take for instance... A trip to White Castle... A TINY Square hamburger patty, punched with holes, grilled onion, on a teeny tiny bun... CREEPY...
Dale Spencer eating 15 of them... ADVENTURE!
Yesterday, without any advance thought Cheryl and I loaded the kids in the car and headed down to Crown Center. It was time for Bubba's first experience at Fritz's!
The food is terrible... But the adventure of your lunch being served by a train car...ADVENTURE!
And so it has started... A train crazed baby boy! "CHOO CHOO"
Friday, June 19, 2009
Field Trips
Up Up Up he Grows
As each day passes our Mr Noah Boy grows. It feels as just last month I woke to learn of his birth and packed my bag in a frenzy to meet him. It was just last month you woke every 2 hours in protest with your empty tummy. Just last month we stood in awe at the love our Father in Heaven had shown us. Just last month....
Now look at you a full grown toddler! Mr. Independent... Each day learning something new. You are a quiet boy. You make full observation of things before you act. You watch you brothers wrestle with daddy before you jump in making full blown grunting and groaning sounds. You watch your sister color and draw before you pick up a crayon and draw... Even if your paper is our kitchen floor.
Can it be you are old enough to play dress up? Where did my time go? I felt as if I managed the time well when I was in the moment. But here I am today thinking "boy the time has flown!"
You won't settle for sharing a orange icecream pop.... you want your own... Just like the big kids!
Eating cereal is much more fun when you can do it on your own. What a big boy you are!
I worry that "Pinkie" may rock your boat a bit...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A little forgetful today...
I must be "paper" pregers.... I forgot to add the link of Marc-a-Roni's work in progress...
http://ritterbusch.us/baby It's a work-in-progress, but it's working.
A bit of a Dither...
"Pinkie" is do to make her grand entrance into this blustery world any day now. If you were to ask me 2 weeks ago what her given name would be you would have been told "Miracle Rose" for she is truly are Miracle from our loving God. A week ago as Marc-a-Roni and I drifted to dreamland my resolution of her name began to sink.. Like quicksand in a way. So our search began. Marc-a-Roni and I began to rattle off name after name.. We believe "Pinkie's" name must be unique.
We had an amazing phone visit with "Pinkie's" birth mom last night... We also chatted with the birth dad. Did I say it was an amazing visit? SO AMAZING... We talked about names. They have a name they will call her. It is a beautiful name. I shared how Rose would be her middle name. Named after her mama. My foster parents named me Rose. I have always loved that name. This morning on my blog stroll I came across this video "clip....
Maybe we should call her
Marc-a-Roni has created a fun little name poll program. It has become a super fun game.... You, my blogger friends, are welcome to play along! Maybe the name you submit will be the name we will call our sweet "Pinkie" forever...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
These are a few of MY favorite things!!!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Follow Me Boys...
Is it True?
Is our boy really old enough to set sail off to Cub Scout Day Camp? I found myself nervous last night checking and checking again that Isaac had all the necessary things on the list. Of course I tossed in a few things for good measure. Once he rode away... I remembered the hand sanitizer wipes I thought of in the middle of the night. It Day Camp I keep telling myself.... The place where they play in the dirt, explore unknown territory, learn to shoot bow and arrows! "Take a deep breath" I say... "Enjoy Watching him GROW..." One things for sure. Ammon sure is going to miss his Partner in Crime this week. The two are inseparable!
It won't be the same taking your Guinea Pigs on a High Adventure with out your big brother!