Next month will mark the ELEVENTH year of being married to my dream boy.
Still feeling {flutters}
My Marc-a-Roni and I were watching some videos that have been made using Ingrid Michealson a couple of nights ago before drifting off to dreamland... Click on our photo to see which one is all about {Us}
We made it through. Our kitchen looks great. We have a few tangles to work out but I see the end. For the life of me I can not figure out how we have done all the fabulous/stressful things we have done in the past 2 1/2 months. Lets just say we have had 5 birthdays... A Magical 10 days with Mickey and Princess Tiana... A taste of Eternity with our sweet Zion... Meeting the newest Ferguson, ELI... Our floors refinished TWICE... Oh there is loads to catch you up on but for today and maybe tomorrow I am going to take a moment to smell these... gabrielle kai
A lot can happen in a month. Thousands of pictures can be taken. Billions of lasting "feel good" moments can be had. Over the top stress will be felt. With all that fun a blog can be tossed to the side. I have high hopes to catch up this weekend... A month to catch up on... but until then... Here is a tease taste of Mr. Noah sharing his newest word...
I was a little startled myself when he told me... really how does this 2 year old say such things... I really need to get myself schooled in Dinosaurs.