Friday, December 3, 2010

17 months

Croup... It's not a pretty site.

A little FYI: {Orapred makes one Extremely Grumpy!}
Not only did Zion hold that donut in her precious fingers for a good hour without taking even a nibble she also controlled the bag! I had to PRY that donut free at nap time...

On a happy note... We are done with the prescribed doses of the grumps and our cute little Z is well on the way to felling better!


Denette said...

Even with the tears she is beautiful!

Sylvia said...

Oh, that makes me so sad! I'm sorry she ended up with that bloomin' croup!! I'm glad to hear she is on the mend!!

pan x 8 said...

Oh beautiful.. hopefully by now you may have your donut.. Aunty Janice says "eat the whole bag" but Mommy Janice says "maybe just a couple."

Hope all is well in Zion! I hate croup Tess had it twice and it was so miserable! Happy cheers Momma!

Nana said...

Ohhhhh...sad beautiful tears.....get better soon.

Nancy Wyatt said...

She is so precious I just want to snuggle with her!

Rob the Blog Ninja said...

Haha that is an awesome picture. I know she and you were both miserable but that picture is priceless