Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tagged, I'm IT

So my former Greenie Smith tagged me last week. Since I have been running way faster then I can keep up I am just getting to her tag.

number 1: I brush my teeth morning and night... NEVER FAIL
number 2: I'm a flusher
number 3: I DONT drink from drinking fountians... TOO GERMIE
number 4: I stop at red and go at green
number 5: I'm a list maker (I am not sure how much Marc likes the lists I give him) Maybe I need to focus on lists just for me!
number6: I love hand santizer


Holly said...

I am glad to hear that you brush your teeth without fail! "You must be true to your teeth, or they will be false to you".....isn't that how it goes?

mtritterbusch said...

What is that bologna about "maybe I should just focus on lists for me?" If you think you can make a list that only affects you, I'm guessing it's a blank piece of paper.

Catherine said...

Marc, that was funny . . . good comment!

Betsy said...

You were making lists in the mission field.

Amber said...

Okay, girl, I need something new to read!

Tiffany said...

Those are all great qualities to have. :) Thanks for the nursery letters, I am so excited to hang them up. I think once I hang them up, there will be no changing the name. :)

kat and jason said...

hey thanks for the tip---i've been working at it everyday---and it's looking a little better. if i can't get it all the way out-i'll give them a call. you've given me hope. cute little babe too. noah--he's a cutie--so are the rest of your little kiddos.

Unknown said...

I checked email.. all 1000 plus of them .. not all just a couple hundred and guess what their u were so i am... the rotten friend i am.. this blog is great.. sanitizer is 150 proof so no lickin those fingers... "love Your Guts" Yarz