When I was 16 I traveled to Peru and Bolivia with my Dad. I saw and experienced many things I will NEVER forget. One one particular outing we spent time visiting and orphanage. There were babies lying in cribs. Some, so small. You could practically see their skeleton. For some the
malnourishment was so progressed they their belly's were bloated. It was such a site. So sad. I was taken into a room filled with beautiful babies. Babies full of life. Playing, smiling, eating. One would never guess that just a few weeks before they had been the babies crying of hunger.
I tell this tale of mine not to bring you down. Not to fill you full of worry. Please don't tell your children to eat everything on their plate. OR to think of the children in Africa starving. This will only create them to eat past their limit. They will become fatties who think that if they eat everything on their plate somehow it will feed hungry children. Not true people.
I tell you my tale because I feel as if I have allowed my little friend here, My baby blog to starve. I have not posted in days. Sorry my little
bloggie poo... Fear not! I have many many stories to tell. In just a few short days the posts of my adventures will be complete and you will be a happy little blog again...
My baby birds have only 5 1/2 days left of school until they fly home to our nest for the summer. Isn't that exciting!