Saturday, December 20, 2008

Take a Lookie.

My Marc-a-Roni went on a little adventure this morning using google... He typed in "yo gabba gabba mormon" Look what he found
I know you all know I am a huge Yo Gabba Gabba fan. I use my 11 month old as a front... you know "Noah really likes it" Secretly I am thrilled he jumps with glee with a huge smile on his face an the mere mention of Yo Gabba Gabba. I think the show rocks!
I guess this article helps the pieces come together abit with the song from "I'm a Mormon" soundtrack!


Catherine said...

that is VERY interesting. I liked my first "taste" of your yo Gaba gaba. Too bad we don't get Nickelodeon

pan x 8 said...

We love YO GABBA GABBA! Chachi is only completely focused on 2 occasions: 1 - he is sleeping and 2 - Yo Gabba Gabba!!!

Christina said...

Ha! I can't tell you how many times I've done something under the "the kids like it" disguise! LOL!