Thursday, May 28, 2009

"I will bear the name of Jesus Christ"

Isaac was baptized yesterday. He is now officially a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I am honored and humbled to be called your mother. You are a shining example to everyone that comes in contact with you.
I love how you will NEVER take a bite of food without Thanking the Lord first.
I love how you are kind to your friends. How you worry for them and their happiness.
I love that your favorite color is "GOLDEN"
I loved the smile across your face as you came from the waters of baptism.

Isaac and his buddy Matt had birthdays just a few days apart from each other. It was fun to share the day with him.

Grandma Gloria and Grandpa Ike wouldn't miss your special day.
We have many friends we call "family" here in Kansas City. Your "Uncle's" stood in the circle as you received the Holy Ghost.
Your sister Jordie and Matt's sister Hope sang for the program.
Your Primary teacher came to witness your special day.
Of course the Kanenwisher's were there.... We missed Boyd and Hunter... they were out of town but they were there in spirit!
Sam and Sariah were happy to be there!
The Aulner's came too... Wayne witnessed along with Grandpa. And Benny... well Benny wore his CTR tie from Ghana.
We were happy to see the Veigel's sneak in... Seriously how cute is this family!?!?! SO CUTE!


Catherine said...

Congratulations! What a great day!

So nice to have all those friends and family there to witness the special occasion.

Unknown said...

Gosh, it was like a family reunion. Thanks to Isaac we got a little slice of heaven that night.
And the cupcakes weren't bad either ;)

Denette said...

I love Baptisms.

Look how cute he is in that suit!!! Like a little man.

Nana said...

Sorry I missed your big Baptism Day Isaac. Congratulation and good job for CTR.

Shauna said...

Congratulations Isaac.

Sam Ransom said...

We were very excited to be part of your big day. What a wonderful choice that will bless you forever!

pan x 8 said...

Congratulations Isaac! What a great step and what wonderful support you have in your family and ward family!

Gosh Kiera those cupcakes are darling just like your little Isaac (except not so little anymore!)

Love you guys - had we been in MO or you in UT we would've been in this post! hehehehehe...

Kelli said...

Congrats to Isaac. He looks very handsome on his big day!

Very cute cupcakes!

Yours Truly said...

What an awesome day! Congratulations Isaac! The cupcakes are so cute.