Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I know...
I have spent the past couple of days attending Time Out For Women. This years theme is Sweet Assurance...
Each speaker testified of things "they" knew. Knowledge that helped them as they strive for a closer relationship with our Father.
On Wednesday afternoon my heart stopped beating for a moment. As I opened the blinds along the kitchen wall our back yard came into full view. As if almost over night my trees leaves had changed color. If I were to choose my favorite season based on color I would pick fall. I feel the most peace with burnt orange and Blacks, Browns and ambers. But, is Fall really here? If Fall is here then Winter is creeping around the bend.
Missouri winters are hard on my soul. The bitter cold and snow less days seem to drag on for what seems like years.
{We have a rule here in the RitterB home... A rule made by me... We are to pick a season and ONE season only to complain. For example: One can not whine about how HOT they are at the Zoo on a sunny summer day and Cry about the extreme FRIDGED air in the dead of winter. Yes, it is uncomfortable to be hot and sweaty. Yes, it is uncomfortable to be freezing your bum off... But I dont want to hear about both... SO PICK YOUR SEASON AND COMPLAIN AWAY! Last Wednesday my SEASON TO COMPLAIN officially started! I HATE THAT WINTER IS ON IT'S WAY!!!} I think maybe our Father knows the dread I feel with the cold. I think maybe he is helping me ease into the idea this year. This year our tree in the backyard is particularly beautiful. Beautiful enough to make my heart stop for just a moment and marvel at His creation. While taking a few pictures I could not help but think that in a couple of weeks my tree will be stripped of all it's leaves. It will be left bare.
I really enjoyed my flower in my faith pot this year. It reminded me of my sister, Sharmayn, purple always does that. I noticed as I came back to the house that my flower was still in bloom. Yet, was dying. The stems had started turning brown and no longer held tight to the tiny buds it worked so hard to produce. Like it or not... Winter is on it's way. *sigh*We were asked several times today to jot down some things "I KNOW." I thought of my purple flowers and my tree full of Burnt Orange, Amber and Browns.
[I know each year Winter will come. She will stay for a while. But, I KNOW that the sun will shine and the warmth will come again.]
I am most grateful for the lessons I have been taught over the past couple of days. I'm a lucky girl you know. My Marc-a-Roni held down the fort quite nicely. He is good like that to me. [I KNOW I have him for Eternity... ]
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
16 August 2009
Have a free afternoon in Dallas? Head to The Dallas World Aquarium.The kids were intrigued right from the start. Fresh bamboo lined the path as we entered the building.
Mr. Penguin was happy to put on a show for the boys.
Ammon could not resist touching a bird that landed on the rope next to him. Although the bird was not all that happy.
Check out the guy in Gray... He looks as if he knows that My Marc-A- Roni is a swell Daddy!
Mr. Noah was thrilled to get into action with his brothers...
The boys were in HEAVEN in the SHARK tunnel....
Even Mr. Noah... As long as he was in Mama's arms...
Oh so Special = My new nephew to be Mr Eli.
OH SO BEAUTIFUL = My gorgeous (almost to be 19 year of age) neice Brooke.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
One Month
Sometimes we wait oh so long for something special to come.... I have waited 9 long years for this something special. Today I learned that my oh so long wait has a VERY possible arrival day of November 13, 2009. And that oh so long VERY possibly will arrive the very same day as his OH SO BEAUTIFUL big sister. Just 19 years later. His Mom and Dad say they will call him Eli Jennings. I imagine he is busy with goodbyes to his Grandma Janice and Aunt Sharmayn. I bet they have enjoyed him. I know we all will.
Friday, October 9, 2009
12 August 2009
Little miss "Pinkie" has really put a twist into the busy life at the RitterB's. A few of my favorite things to do have been placed on the back burner. My daily blog entries have been simmering and stewing... Just waiting to be posted.
Winter would not be the same if we didn't have jars of salsa lining the shelves. Jordie is the perfect helper. She peels the skin off the tomatoes and prepares them to be chopped. Once everything is in the stock pot we take turns stirring. She keeps track of the time and make sure we are on top of things. All for perfect summer salsa in the darkness of winter!