Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Is he ours?

I think that when we are in a certain place in our lives we tend to gravitate towards different reality t.v. programs that have that same content. For example... every time I was pregnant I was addicted to TLC's Baby Story. About a year ago I found a show called Adoption Stories. It has a season pass on our Tivo. Monday morning I was feeding Noah watching this show. It was about a family that had adopted a infant boy. They were thrilled! Of course they bonded with this baby. For all intents and purposes he was theirs. 3 months after placement the birth father came into the picture and they had to return their son back to his biological father. This was simply devastating...
SO here we are.... Noah is ours. We have bonded.. I love him deeper then I think I have ever loved before. There is a spiritual connection between us that I don't feel I have with the children I carried within me. Please don't get me wrong, I love Jordie, Isaac and Ammon with as much passion as I do Noah it is just different. For 3 days I have walked in fear that Noah's birth father is going to somehow crawl out of the place he has been for the past 12 months and desire to father our baby boy. What's the probability of this happening? Slim to none. But none the less it could happen ... we have signed a contract to return this sweet boy if indeed this happens.
It was the chance we were willing to take...
But today... He is Ours...


McAtee Family said...

He is yours! That sweet baby boy is yours and will always be yours. I can only imagine the fear of his birth father showing up, but you are right, today he is yours so snuggle up, give loves and kisses galore and years from now, think of all of the good snuggles, hugs and kisses that Noah will remember receiving as he grows up as the 4th Ritterbush child!!

Sam Ransom said...

What a sigh of relief! He is just an amazing little baby. This little miracle couldn't have happened to a more deserving family. We are so happy for you.