Friday, May 16, 2008


Ammon presented me with this cup of dirt on May Day... Normally, I would have said... "AWESOME, WE WILL HAVE TO PUT THIS IN THE WINDOW AND WATER IT!" But not follow through with it... sadly having to toss it in the trash... This time however Grandma Gloria was in town! And the seeds have grown... AWESOME HUH????

So here is where the delima come in place... what in the heck is growing in this cup?????? It is about the diameter of a pencil... with a bunch of bumps on it.... I have no idea what this is... It is pretty darn cool though....So I am hoping this post will help me solve my little delima of not knowing what this is... Can someone help me?


Amber said...

It kind of looks like hyacinth? I think that's the name....If that is what it is, they come up in early spring usually starting as bulbs...Kind of like daffodils and tulips do...

Amber said...

For some reason, my comment for this one, showed up on your inspiration post...