Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hamgamber & WalleRmellon

So for Mother's Day Dinner I wanted to have grilled burgers... Of course the kids wanted their favorites too... Jordie's favorite Salad, Isaac's pretzel Salad and Ammon wanted WalleRmellon.
So that's just what we did... Boy was it all yummy in the tummy!
I am so glad we had these favorites for my special day... for this reason alone...
Next year Ammon will call a Hamburger a Hamburger and not a Hamgamber. And his darling WalleRmellon will be replaced with Watermelon. Marc and I will not be the ones to correct his pronunciation but his Kindergarten friends and teachers will. Next Fall his childlike innocence will be lost. I hate watching this happen. But it does. He is so excited to move on to the next chapter in his life. After dropping Jordie and Isaac of to school the other day Ammon said to me I can't wait until I get to get out of the car with them for school. He can't wait to be big like them!
I just wish things would slow down a bit. If I could keep them small for longer I would... Maybe if I ever catch a lepricon I will use one of my wishes for just that!


McAtee Family said...

SERIOUSLY - you are making me cry!!! I am not ready for our babies to be going off to Kindergarten. Why can't they still be the chubby (ok - so Ammon was chubby, Haley was a little stick with no hair) 2 year olds who want to sit in our laps and snuggle. When I drop Haley off now in the morning at preschool, she wants to do hugs and kisses in the car because it is not cool to do that in front of her friends. I am not ready for this stage of life!!

mtritterbusch said...

Isaac has gotten to the point where sometimes he asks me to give him a kiss and hug before we get to primary. One of the most wonderful things we've been blessed with is the uniqueness of each of our children. I love them how they are now, but I am excited (and sometimes nervous) to see how they grow and learn as they get older.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh how time has flown. Do you think he would be interested in sharing a tube of lipstick with me?
That picture rocks!

Catherine said...

I know what you mean. I am dreading the day Allison starts kindergarten b/c I shudder to think what she will come home saying and doing -- what she's picked up from other kids. I know I can't protect her forever, but even now, I don't let her play with some of the neighbor kids, because I want to protect her innocense just as long as I can. I hope she remembers what she has been taught about right and wrong, and hope she doesn't get teased, or tease others.

Sam Ransom said...

I've already told Sariah that I forbid her from growing anymore. I just love her at the stage. I know each age has things you love, but this one is great. She laughs and coos, and now squeels. Speaking of... I need to come get a Noah fix!! I bet he has grown so much!

TX2MOM said...

You got me crying just before I go pick Taleah up from kindergarten.