Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I've never been much of a journal writer. Each year in January I would resolve to document the next year. I always had regular entries for a few weeks. But I would soon get bored and stop all together. I wrote everyday of my mission. Never missed. When I came home I stopped all together. Maybe some of my issue was opening my doors and and allowing the inner disaster to show. For others to get a glance of my mess inside.

Noah roamed free as I was getting ready for the day yesterday. He has this new found freedom. He can take himself anywhere he wants. He found that if he pulls the shiny silver thingies the door opens and he can see and play with all the stuff inside. Most days he does his exploring in silences. Looking and observing. But yesterday was different. When the door opened he let out a yelp with delight! For the next 15 minutes he pulled out each item and looked it over. Tasted a few. Some were more special then the others.

I was resistant at first. I didn't want the mess. The bathroom was clean . Why in the world would I want him to pull everything out allowing the "dirty laundry" to show?

Keep it contained I thought to myself.

I was in a hurry to get to John's funeral so I just left the mess... exposed. It was still there when I got home... out in the open for any visitor of my bathroom to see. I took a picture. I had thoughts to show you all what a busy boy we have... then I saw the deeper meaning.

I realized that I have stuck with this blog for a full year! Sure I have had a couple of dry spells but nothing to cry about. For a full year I have pulled on that shiny thingy and showed what was behind the door. Some posts are nice and organized but there are a few that are full of mess. I love my blog. For the first time I love showing what's inside...


posts and counting


Catherine said...

you go girl. Way to be!

The Valsy said...

This was very good

Unknown said...

Aren't you glad you took a picture!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go on 300 posts! I like that if I am trying to remember something that happened a year ago I can just pull up my blog and find the pictures and everything that happened!

Nana said...

Way to go "300 Post", now go and treat yourself with a double DIET COKE.

mtritterbusch said...

By the way...who ever cleaned up that mess? Oh yeah, it was your husband. Wow! He rocks!

Sam Ransom said...

Okay- love this! I agree on the journal thing. It was like I wrote that myself (except the mission part, but I did have one year that I did really well.) Way to go on the 300!! I often think I let Sariah pull out too much stuff, but it keeps her so entertained. If I only I could keep her from trying to eat the Qtips!

Shauna said...

Congrats on 300, what an inspiration to keep it up! Got to love them boys...they keep us going! Great post

Snarky Belle said...

Loved this post. And holy moley, I never realized just how beautiful your eyes are!!

Loralee Choate said...

Kiera Furguson! Total blast from the past! You have a gorgeous family and congrats, congrats on blogging for a year-that is usually when most burn out, so keep going!